- 1. General terms and conditions
- 2. The right to have an account
- 3. The legal relationship between you and Auktionshuset dab A/S
- 3.1. No warranty for product descriptions
- 3.2. Limitation of liability
- 3.3. Indemnity
- 4. VAT and Sales fees etc.
- 5. Settlement of conflict
- 6. Payment of balance differences
- 7. Your information and limited activity
- 7.1. Definition
- 7.2. Prohibited or restricted actions
- 7.3. Closing account or limiting account holder access
- 7.4. Passwords
- 8. Access and disruption
- 9. Confidentiality and security
- 10. Closing your account
- 11. Correction and Auktionshuset dab’s right to act against you
- 12. Assignment
- 13. Termination
- 14. Choice of law and venue
- 14.1. Confidentiality
- 15. Right of cancellation
- 16. Auktionsbetingelser
1. General terms and conditions
The general terms and conditions apply to all users of Auktionshuset dab's services. When you choose to use Auktionshuset dab's services, you agree that this is an agreement between you as a user and us as an auction house. The agreement describes the rights and obligations in connection with the use of services and potential related products that we offer.
The following agreement contains terms for using specific services on our website. In addition to online auctions there are our auction terms that can be seen for each auction and which are posted on the auction site.
2. The right to have an account
In order to use Auktionshuset dab’s services, you must create a private account or a company account. One can only have one private account and one company account. Auktionshuset dab’s services are only available to persons or organizations that can enter into legally binding agreements. The services are not available to users under the age of 18. We reserve the right to refuse to offer our services, change your terms of use of the services and / or refuse to provide services at any time by notifying you by e-mail. Such change notifications have immediate effect.
3. The legal relationship between you and Auktionshuset dab A/S
Auktionshuset dab does not have the physical right of property to goods sold through us. Auktionshuset dab is an auction company that also has a website. Here we offer goods for sale the belong to the seller (third party). Auktionshuset dab can therefore not be held liable for sold goods, information provided and for the transaction itself. This is described in the following.
3.1. No warranty for product descriptions
We cannot control or make statements about the quantity, quality, authenticity, security or legality of the goods sold or advertised. We also cannot guarantee complete information, truth or accuracy in product descriptions.
3.2. Limitation of liability
We are only liable for any loss or damage that can be directly attributed to our own actions or the lack of the same or breach of the obligations we have according to the user agreement and our obligations in this respect are limited as stated in the remaining part of section 3.4. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may cause as a result of your use of any service other than Auktionshuset dab’s services. We are under no circumstances liable for any direct or indirect loss of contribution or goodwill. Under no circumstances are we liable for any direct or indirect loss of contribution or goodwill or for indirect or consequential loss or damage. Furthermore, it has been agreed that, in the event of a delay, the buyer cannot rely on any form of compensation claim, either for direct or indirect loss. Any other claim for compensation, e.g. lost earnings, loss of wages, daily fines and all other claims of what can be mentioned, e.g. work conflict of any kind and otherwise is not replaced. This disclaimer applies correspondingly to the customer's claim of defects. Auktionshuset dab is therefore solely responsible for deficiencies to the extent that these can be characterized as defaults. In case of defaults, the customer's compensation cannot exceed the amount the customer has paid for the delivery made by Auktionshuset dab. Potential compensation covers only the value of the goods or parts thereof, but not labor wages, expenses or damages that any faults or deficiencies may have caused the buyer.
When selling goods for a bankruptcy estate the buyer is aware that seller is a bankruptcy estate which is why the assets are sold without liability for the seller, receiver and/or the probate court for factual and legal defects of any kind, except for liability for illegality. The buyer cannot assert rights of default in the event of defects in the purchased item, including demanding a proportionate reduction in the purchase price, cancellation or compensation.
In the event of illegality, the buyer cannot demand compensation, but is only entitled to cancel the purchase for the part of the purchase to which the illegality relates. In the event of cancellation, the buyer can thus only demand a proportionate repayment of the purchase price paid in return for the return of the purchased item to which the defect relates.
3.3. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify us, our departments, employees, and management for any kind of all claims or legal claims made by or as a result of a third-party’s claim in connection with your breach of this agreement or the documents covered by the agreement or as a result of your breach on a law or violation of third-parties in connection with your use of Auktionshuset dab’s services.
4. VAT and Sales fees etc.
All fees are stated in the sales agreement. All fees will be charged in the payment currency or in DKK.
To the bid and auction fee of 20% of the bud is added, however a minimum of DKK 50,- per catalog number. Both bid and auction feed are added to the applicable VAT (25%), i.e. feed incl. VAT is 50%. On cars, caravans and motorcycles VAT is only added to the fee. So fee incl. VAT on these items is 25%
Some items are VAT free. Here VAT must be paid on the fee. When this is the case, this will be stated in the catalog.
5. Settlement of conflict
Whether you are a buyer or a seller you agree to cooperate actively with the other party in your transactions to resolve any conflicts. We do not act as representatives of either party in conflicts between buyers and sellers and we are not responsible for resolving such conflicts. If a claim arises (due to a conflict or other reason) you agree to disclose all necessary documentation and information that may help resolve the conflict. If you are a seller (a) you acknowledge that we are not able to control the outcome of a sales transaction; (b) Recognize our claim on fees regardless of whether the transaction with the buyer is carried out or the implementation differs from the conditions recorded in the transaction on our website. Please report all types of fraudulent transactions, errors or conflicts. We do not seek to hold you liable for any unauthorized (including fraudulent) use of your account by another person insofar as we are convinced that you have not acted intentionally so that a third party has access to your username and password. Please note that your username and password are strictly personal whether you may act on behalf of an organization. Your password must therefore be stored in a safe place where it is protected from abuse.
6. Payment of balance differences
The need for payment of balance differences may also arise as a result of exchange rate changes. This can happen if the currency in which the transaction is carried out is different from the price, we invoice in. Auktionshuset dab can adjust the prices as needed. The current rate is the rate on the billing day plus a supplement.
7. Your information and limited activity
7.1. Definition
Your information is defined as the information you provide to us and other users during account creation and use of our services. You are solely responsible for your information. You authorize us to check the accuracy of your information either directly or through a third party. This may include the information you provide in conjunction with third-party databases. However, we will not disclose information about users' identity or actions or commercial transactions. However, we reserve the right to introduce an appraisal system whereby the seller and buyer can mutually judge each other in relation to transactions on our website.
7.2. Prohibited or restricted actions
Your information must not be: (a) false, inaccurate or misleading; (b) be fraudulent or involve stolen goods or goods which for other reasons do not belong to you; (c) infringe any third party's copyrights, patent rights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights; (d) contravene any law, regulation or regulation (including, but not limited to, consumer rights, good marketing practices, competition laws or discriminatory practices); (e) be abusive or threatening; (f) be vulgar or contain child pornography; (g) contains programming codes that may interfere with, damage, take over or misuse the system, data or personal information; (h) incur obligations or losses (wholly or partially) on our services or services from other ISPs (ISP) to us. If you use or seek to use the Services for anything other than the purchase, sale, and marketing and editing of your account - including hacking, attempting to modify or block information, or affecting the functionality of our services - your account will be closed and you will be held liable and, where appropriate criminal law officer in accordance with applicable law.
7.3. Closing account or limiting account holder access
Only we decide whether an account or service should be closed and when might will happen. This may be due to breach of this agreement but is not limited thereto. We are not required to disclose the specific reason for this.
7.4. Passwords
You may not disclose or reveal your passwords to others. Also, you may not use others' passwords. We are not liable for any loss caused by you including any effects resulting from the unauthorized use of your account by anyone other than yourself. Do not list your password over the phone to others and choose a password that is difficult to guess and not used for other purposes. If others in the organization need our services, then refer them to create their own user account.
8. Access and disruption
You agree that you will not use any automatic or manual method of copying or monitoring our website unless you have received our express written permission. You agree that you will not do anything that unnecessarily charges our server. You agree that you will not copy, review, modify or create derivative products from our website without the express written permission of us or third part.
9. Confidentiality and security
We consider the protection of our users’ data security as very important. Our most important task is to protect your information from abuse. We store and process your information on computers in Denmark, where they are protected by both physical and technical security devices. If you cannot accept the transfer or processing of your user data as described herein, please do not use our services.
10. Closing your account
You can close your account by sending an email to our customer support. You cannot close the account if you are highest bidder at one of Auktionshuset dabs auctions. If you close your account, this has no bearing on your obligation to pay for transactions already started. If you do not use your account for a period of 3 years, it will be closed.
11. Correction and Auktionshuset dab’s right to act against you
Auktionshuset dab reserves the right to correct inaccurate or missing information from you, contact you in ways other than electronic. We also reserve the right to warn other users against your actions, limit payouts, restrict access to an account and refuse to provide our services to you if you (a) violate the terms of the User Agreement and its derivative agreements; (b) we are unable to verify your identity or information you provided; (c) We believe that your account or activity involves a financial or legal risk to us or other users.
12. Assignment
You may not assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement without our written consent.
13. Termination
Unless it is expressly stated all cancellations must be submitted by a letter to Auktionshuset dab or per e-mail to mail@auktionshuset.dk (sent from the e-mail address specified in your user account). Dismissals from Auktionshuset dab to you have effect 24 hours after they have been shipped (in case of weekdays) or when the e-mail is sent unless the sending party is aware that the electronic message has not been received.
14. Choice of law and venue
This user agreement and the underlying services are subject to Danish law. In case of conflicts in relation to this, this must be decided according to Danish law by a Danish court.
14.1. Confidentiality
The parties respect the requirement of mutual confidentiality regarding matters relating to or derived from the user agreement, unless otherwise is provided by law.
15. Right of cancellation
For private purchase of items at a net auction, you have a 14 day right of cancellation according to applicable legislation from the date of collection. Any costs associated with transporting purchased items back from the buyer are paid by the buyer himself. If the buyer makes use of his right of cancellation Auktionshuset dab A/S will refund the payment immediately after the goods have been returned and received by Auktionshuset dab.
Business owners do not have the right of cancellation according to applicable legislation.
Auktionshuset dab reserves the right to assess the abuse of the right of cancellation, and Auktionshuset dab may therefore choose to terminate the customer relationship and inactivate the customer's account with Auktionshuset dab.
16. Auktionsbetingelser
1. Varer købt som beset
Alle varer sælges til den højestbydende i den stand, hvori de forefindes ved hammerslag samt uden ansvar for hverken rekvirent eller auktionsholder af nogen art, herunder ansvar for målangivelser, vægt, aldersangivelse og beskrivelse. Katalogisering er efter bedste overbevisning. Evt. beskadigelser er ikke anført. Det er op til køber selv at kontrollere varerne eller tage risikoen for, at disse ikke fungerer og da der har været eftersyn, tages reklamationer IKKE til følge. Der tages forbehold for fejl og mangler.
2. Moms og salær
Til budsummen lægges auktionssalær på 20% af budsummen, dog minimum kr. 50,- pr. katalognummer. Såvel budsum som auktionssalær tillægges gældende moms (25%), dvs. salær inkl. moms er 50%. På personbiler, campingvogne og motorcykler tillægges der kun moms på salæret, således at salæret inkl. moms på disse varer er 25%.
3. Betaling
Betaling for købte skal ske via bankoverførsel, kortbetaling eller Mobilepay.
Kontanter og checks modtages IKKE som betaling.
Varerne kan først udleveres, når indbetaling er registreret på vores konto.
Det er muligt at betale med følgende kort:
- Dankort
- VISA Debet
- Mastercard
- Mastercard Debet
- MobilePay
- ApplePay
Kortbetaling er kun muligt på ordrebeløb op til DKK 4.000,-.
Der opkræves kortgebyr for firmakort samt kort udstedt uden for EU/EEA. Kortgebyr udgør 1,95% ekskl. moms for DK firmakort samt 2,95% ekskl. moms for EU/EEA firmakort samt kort udstedt uden for EU/EEA.Gebyret fremgår først efter indtastning af kortnummer og vil fremgå af den endelige faktura efter gennemført betaling. Gebyret vist i betalingsvinduet er inkl. moms.
Ved betaling med kort, vil beløbet blive hævet med det samme.
Ved betaling af ordrer med tilføjet fragt, vil beløbet blive hævet med det samme.
Varerne kan først udleveres, når betalingen er registreret på vores konto.
Auktionshuset dab anvender Netaxept linkpayment betalingssystem, der er en del af NETS A/S. Brugen af betalings- eller kreditkort på websitet er derfor sikker og certificeret af NETS A/S. Gennemførsel af køb på websitet sker via en SSL-krypteret forbindelse.
Auktionshuset dab A/S har ikke adgang til at se kortoplysninger, ligeledes kan Auktionshuset dab ikke hæve andet beløb, end det kunden har godkendt, i betalingsvinduet.
4. Skærpede regler for opkrævning af moms:
Der er kommet skærpede krav til dokumentation for, at sælger er berettiget til momsfritagelse i forbindelse med afhentningskøb, hvor en udenlandsk køber afhenter varer hos en dansk sælger. Ved salg til et andet EU-land/øvrige udland skal sælger (Auktionshuset dab A/S) opkræve moms. Momsen kan under visse betingelser refunderes. Hvis køber selv afhenter varerne, skal køber give en erklæring til sælger (Auktionshuset dab A/S) om:
at varen er sendt eller transporteret fra Danmark, varens bestemmelsessted, transportmiddel og registreringsnummer på transportmiddel og, at varen er modtaget på leveringsadressen.
Hvis en anden f.eks. en transportør, henter varerne for køber, skal denne tillige medbringe fuldmagt samt billedlegitimation.
Kontakt venligst auktionshuset for at rekvirere udførlig vejledning vedr. eksport.
Dokumentationen skal være os i hænde senest 14 dage efter sidste afhentningsdag. Såfremt den fremsendte dokumentation er tilstrækkelig efter SKATS regler, vil vi udstede en kreditnota, samt en ny faktura uden moms og herefter overføre momsen til køber, fraregnet et ekspeditionsgebyr på kr. 350,-.
5. Nummerplader til køretøjer
Nummerplader til køretøjer medfølger ikke. Endvidere skal det påregnes, at der til køretøjer kun medfølger en nøgle.
6. Pant i køretøjer
I køretøjer, der er registreret i Centralregistret for motorkøretøjer (CRM), kan der være tinglyst pant. Køber kan tjekke dette i bilbogen på www.tinglysning.dk. Auktionshuset dab A/S foretager altid tjek heraf og sikrer os, at evt. pant vil blive aflyst i forbindelse med salget. Imidlertid er det således, at panthavere (bank, finansieringsinstitut, skat etc.) kun sjældent aflyser et pant før modtagelse af provenuet for salget. Køber må derfor påregne en aflysningstid på 2-3 måneder. I sjældne tilfælde f.eks. ved tvangssalg gennem fogedretten, kan den være 4-5 måneder.
7. Beskadigelse ved afhentning
Beskadigelser sket ved afhentning og bortkørsel af købte effekter betales af køber eller udbedres for dennes regning.
8. Købers ansvar overfor købte varer
Køber har det fulde ansvar for, at købte effekter opfylder alle lovmæssige krav, før de tages i brug. Køber har endvidere det fulde ansvar for, at indhente tilladelse til brug af diverse software/patenter m.m. af de respektive rettighedshavere.
9. Risikoovergang efter hammerslag
Efter hammerslag står effekterne for købers regning og risiko. Ved skade på effekter ved på- og aflæsning er Auktionshuset ikke erstatningspligtig.
10. Udlevering
Udlevering foregår mod fremvisning af betalt faktura. Bemærk, at udleveringsdage SKAL overholdes. Længere tidsfrist for vareudlevering kan efter forudgående aftale tillades for varer, som skal afmonteres.
Genstande som er fastmonterede på vægge, lofter eller gulve skal køber selv afmontere og dertil medbring værktøj. Auktionshuset varetager ikke afmontering, afkobling eller nedtagning af solgte effekter. Varerne fremgår ved udleveringen som køber ser dem på billederne.
Køber skal ved afhentning forevise betalt faktura. Hvor køber lader vognmand m.v. afhente købte effekter, skal disse medbringe originaleksemplar, fotokopi eller fax-kopi af betalt faktura. Al færdsel på auktionsområdet sker på eget ansvar.
11. Pålæsning ved udlevering
På grund af forsikringsforhold stiller Auktionshuset dab ikke truck, løftevogne eller mandskab til rådighed ved pålæsning af effekter.
12. Mangler ved købte varer
Købelovens regel om mangler kan gøres gældende i forbindelse ved køb foretaget som privatperson.
12.1 Reglen om mangler kan ikke tages i brug, hvis dette er grundet normal slitage, forkert brug, transportskader, misligholdelse eller skader der var til stede ved købstidspunktet. Køber kan ikke gøre brug af reglen om mangler hvis manglen var tydeligt beskrevet eller vist ved købs- eller afhentningstidspunktet.
12.2 Reglen om mangler kan ikke tages i brug ved køb af bl.a. fødevarer, helsekost, drikkevarer, vin og softwarelicens, hvor plomberingen er brudt.
12.3 Er køber berettiget til at tage reglen om mangler i brug, skal køber skriftligt kontakte Auktionshuset dab A/S inden for 2 år fra ejendomsretten er overgået fra Auktionshuset dab A/S til køber.
Køber er selv ansvarlig for at returnere varen i samme stand, som ved købstidspunktet.
12.4 Hvis regel om mangler gøres gældende, kan køber ikke kræve betaling af renter på købssummen eller andre udgifter og tab.
12.5 Hvis reglen om mangler gøres gældende, har køber ret til enten ombytning af varen, reparation af varen, afslag i købssummen eller ophævelse af købet.
13. Fortrydelsesret
For privatkøb af emner på en net-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv.
Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Auktionshuset dab A/S betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Auktionshuset dab.
Auktionshuset dab forbeholder sig retten til, at vurdere misbrug af fortrydelsesretten, og Auktionshuset dab kan derfor vælge at AFSLUTTE kundeforholdet og inaktivere kundens konto.
Erhvervsdrivende har ikke fortrydelsesret iflg. gældende lovgivning
Auktionshuset dab A/S
Teglbækvej 12-14
DK-8361 Hasselager
CVR.: DK-49757816
Tlf.: +45 8622 2209